Massive Assault

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Author:  tese1969 [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:18 am ]


Greetings to all the community,

We wanted to introduce a new tournament system which may be a small revolution in the MAN2 universe. But previously, we need to test that system and this topic has such objective.

The fundamental idea at the origin of this system is owed to the player Goo, who shared it with me a few weeks ago and thereafter we have tried to adapt it, through a series of rules to make it reality.

The new system is based on a UNIVERSE as game scenario. Currently this Universe contains a unique Star System composed by a set of planets and satellites, which will be represented by MAN2 maps decided by the players prior to the start of the tournament. In this system, players have a great power of decision, with some exception as you will observe by reading the rules that are located after this introduction.

Monitoring of tournament will be made only through the forum, where information concerning the current status of the tournament and the decisions made by players will be updated.

We need 6 more players to test the system, but it is very important to have carefully read the rules before showing interest in participating. It would be advisable to be active and experienced player, but there are no severe restrictions, accepted all comers.
If you would like to participate you must reply here in the forum showing your interest. Do not use this topic to ask questions about the system. In that case, send a message to me or Goo.

This message (or similar) will also be published in the Russian version, so the testers will be those 6 players that before show their willingness to participate.

The rules and attached image of the Universe are detailed below.


1.- The universe (tournament map) is composed for a defined number of planets (10 in the Beta version) and each planet has 3 satellites in orbit. The planets are named A to J and the satellites are numbered 1 to 3. Each planet has a color, remain the same for their satellites. Each player begins the tournament associated with a planet and their satellites. The assignment will be random before starting. (See the universe’s attached image)

2.- Each player must to choose at the moment of inscription (before of the random assignment) which MAN2 map represent his planet and their 3 satellites. The planet will be a large (L) or extra-large (XL) map and the satellites will be extra-smalls (XS), smalls (S) or mediums maps (M).

3.- Each player has 3 space ship (called Chip) at the start that represent 3 battle forces. The Chips are too numbered 1 to 3 and they have the same color than the player’s planet and satellites. (In the image, Chips are “sun” icons)

4.- The Chips are the “attack” forces that the player uses to conquer planets or satellites of the opponents. Each Chip has 10 turns of actions for the whole tournament, 6 attack turns and 4 move turns.

5.- The universe map contains arrows drawn between planets which represent their connection. A Chip uses those arrows to attack or move. A move turn implies travel to a neighboring planet without attack, remaining in orbit.

6.- Each player chooses in each Chip’s turn what is the action that wants to do, with the exception of the first turn. In that turn, all the player’s Chips will be forced to attack neighboring (connected by arrows) satellites based on a predefined table.

7.- For to be able of attack a planet, the player must to have under control firstly a satellite of that planet.

8.- The attacks will be represented by MAN2 games. Attacking player will always play as green (F.N.U.) and defender player as red (P.L). This point simulates the radar interception of the invader, initiating the defense. The map of the game will be which associated with that attacked planet/satellite. All the games will be created with the following settings:
a) Allies density: Medium
b) Revenue Turns: 10
c) Game time limit:
5 days of chess clock time limit with 23 frozen hours for satellite battles.
7 days of chess clock time limit with 23 frozen hours for planet battles.
d) Set of units: Extended.
e) In-Game time: Infinite.

9.- The time unit inside the tournament will be 1 calendar week (Monday to Sunday). This does not represent 7 days from the previous action, but it means, for example, that a Chip can to move on Wednesday and to take another action on the next Monday or another day of that calendar week. During a calendar week, if a player’s Chip is not attacking (involved in battle/game), the player has several options to choose:

a) Attack a neighboring planet/satellite (1 attack turn). In this case, the target can’t to be involved in previous attack.
b) Move to a neighboring planet (1 move turn). The Chip remains in orbit of the planet and in the next calendar week could to attack a satellite/planet connected by arrows with the orbited planet. A Chip can’t to move and attack in the same calendar week. A Chip can to move between own planets connected by arrows without using 1 move turn. Each movement in this way requires 1 calendar week.
c) Wait without taking action. The player can to have interest in to know what will be the situation before take an action. If a free Chip remains 2 calendar weeks without to choose an action, he will lose 1 move turn each next calendar week if that situation continues. If the Chip has not move turns, he will lose attack turns.
d) To reserve 1 attack on a currently attacked planet/satellite. A free Chip can’t to attack a satellite/planet currently attacked, but the player can to do a “attack reserve” over that attacked target. When this happens, the Chip can’t do any action. Simply, must to wait the previous game is finished. The player can’t undo a reserve.

10.- The maximum number of simultaneous attack games by player is 3 (1 attack by Chip) and the maximum number of simultaneous defense games by player is also fixed in 3. This decision tries to avoid a hard situation for the players and limit the number of games played simultaneously.

Therefore, if a player tries to attack a player with the maximum number of defense games achieved, he shall to change his target. The moderators will inform him about this.

11.- If a Chip attacks and wins the battle he occupies the satellite/planet. In this case, the satellite/planet changes his color and takes the winner player’s color.

12.- If a Chip attacks and loses the battle he loses 1 move turn. (This rule is not for application in the forced first turn) The Chip remains on the orbit of attacked planet, but if a player has no planet/satellite under control in that moment he will lose the attacking Chip.

13.- The player leaves the tournamentif he loses all theirs Chips.

14.- Tournament is finished after all not eliminated from tournament players will do 6 turns of attack by Chip.

15.- Tournament’s winner will be defined by points.
Point’s calculation:
Each satellite under control= 2 points.
Each planet under control= 5 points.

16.- Tie-break rules (2 or more players with the same best score)
In decreasing order:
a) Number of won battles (counting all battles: defense and attack).
b) Less number of lost battles.
c) Number of planets under control (not satellites).
d) The first player that has finished his Chip's turns.

Universal War Beta_Start Setup.jpg
Universal War Beta_Start Setup.jpg [ 88.62 KiB | Viewed 59709 times ]

Author:  Sayan [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

i will subscribe for this tournament.
I do not have to play for 1 year ago but I shall have to be ready.

Author:  happygrue [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

I would also like to test this out.

Author:  Waldo [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

I am all for subscribing for this tournament. Count me in.

Author:  tese1969 [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA


We already have the list of 10 players that will participate in this BETA.

Goo, tese1969, pulpojohn, OBM, Sayan, Os, happygrue, dav11, Rem and Waldo.

In the next post, we will publish the random association players to planets and the MAN2 choosen maps to represent the planet and satellites of each player.

Also will be published the predefined table of the forced first turn's attacks.

We want remind that all the progress of this BETA will be published only in forum, although the tournament will appear on the MAN2 website and you will can obtain the replays as usually.

We hope this BETA will be the start of a new generation of tournaments. :wink:


Author:  tese1969 [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Hi, everyone

Here you can see the result of the random association players to planet and the forced first turn attacks table.

On the basis of that table will be created the games of the first attack turn of each player's Chip.

For example, if the Chip 1 of the player 1 attacks the satellite B1, you can see than Waldo (player 1) is attacking Goo in Emerald (B is the planet associated to Goo and 1 is the satellite number). If the Chip 3 of the player 7 attacks the satellite H2, then, dav11 (player 7) is attacking Os in Crateus....

We hope the players can understand without problems that table :wink:

The games of the forced first turn will be started on May, 5 and in that moment will be published the updated picture of the Universe with the current position of each Chip.

This BETA is ready to start.

Good luck to all the testers!

Planets owners and first turn's attack table.jpg
Planets owners and first turn's attack table.jpg [ 93.4 KiB | Viewed 59606 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Mon May 05, 2014 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA



Forced first turn's attacks started!

If situation in the Universe changes, the picture will be updated and we will write some little description about the changes.

Good luck to all the testers!

This is the situation in this moment:

Universal War Beta_First turn.jpg
Universal War Beta_First turn.jpg [ 84.45 KiB | Viewed 59516 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Wed May 07, 2014 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 5 - 11 May:

- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "D" (tese1969).
Therefore, tese1969 keeps his satellite under control and Chip 2 of Goo remains in orbit of the planet "D".

- Chip 1 of player 6 (Sayan) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "E" (happygrue).
Therefore, happygrue keeps his satellite under control and Chip 1 of Sayan remains in orbit of the planet "E".

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, Sayan keeps his satellite under control and Chip 1 of happygrue remains in orbit of the planet "F".

- Chip 3 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "G" (dav11).
Therefore, dav11 keeps his satellite under control and Chip 3 of OBM remains in orbit of the planet "G".

Current situation on Universe:

Universal War Beta_5 to 11 May.jpg
Universal War Beta_5 to 11 May.jpg [ 85.73 KiB | Viewed 59419 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 12 - 18 May:

- Chip 3 of player 5 (happygrue) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "I" (pulpojohn).
Therefore, satellite I2 changes his color and now is under control of happygrue. The Chip 5.3 is now free and in this calendar week it can to choose his next action. (to finish a game is not move or attack action)

- Chip 3 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks planet "I" (pulpojohn).

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks satellite 1 of planet "F" (Sayan).

- Chip 2 of player 9 (pulpojohn) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "E" (happygrue).
Therefore, happygrue keeps satellite E3 under control and Chip 2 of pulpojohn remains in orbit of planet "E".

- Chip 3 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "H" (Os).
Therefore, Os keeps satellite H1 under control and Chip 3 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet "H".

- Chip 1 of player 9 (pulpojohn) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "G" (dav11).
Therefore, dav11 keeps satellite G2 under control and Chip 1 of pulpojohn remains in orbit of planet "G".

- Chip 2 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 1 of planet "I" (pulpojohn).
Therefore, satellite I1 changes his color and now is under control of dav11.

- Chip 2 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 2 of planet "I" (happygrue).

- Chip 1 of player 4 (tese1969) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "B" (Goo).
Therefore, satellite B2 changes his color and now is under control of tese1969.

- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) moves to planet "B" from the orbit of planet "D".

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) has conquered satellite 1 of planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, satellite A1 changes his color and now is under control of Goo.

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) attacks planet "A" (Waldo).

- Chip 1 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "B" (Goo).
Therefore, Goo keeps satellite B1 under control and Chip 1 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet "B".

- Chip 1 of player 8 (Os) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, satellite A3 changes his color and now is under control of Os.

- Chip 2 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, OBM keeps satellite C1 under control and Chip 2 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet "C".

- Chip 2 of player 8 (Os) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "G" (dav11).
Therefore, dav11 keeps satellite G3 under control and Chip 2 of Os remains in orbit of planet "G".

- Chip 1 of player 4 (tese1969) attacks planet "B" (Goo).

- Chip 3 of player 3 (OBM) moves to planet "C" from the orbit of planet "G".


- Chip 1 of player 8 (Os) reserve an attack over planet "A" (Waldo/Goo fighting).
Therefore, when the game Waldo/Goo finished, Os will attack the previous winner.

- Chip 2 of player 9 (pulpojohn) attacks satellite 3 of planet "E" (happygrue).

- Chip 1 of player 9 (pulpojohn) attacks satellite 2 of planet "G" (dav11).

This is the current situation in Universe:

Universal War Beta_12 to 18 May.jpg
Universal War Beta_12 to 18 May.jpg [ 86.3 KiB | Viewed 59251 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Tue May 20, 2014 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 19 - 25 May:

- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 2 of planet "B" (tese1969).

- Chip 2 of player 10 (Rem) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "I" (pulpojohn).
Therefore, satellite I3 changes his color and now is under control of Rem. Chip 10.2 remains in orbit of planet "I" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "H" (Os).
Therefore, satellite H2 changes his color and now is under control of dav11. Chip 7.3 remains in orbit of planet "H" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, OBM keeps satellite C2 under control and Chip 3 of Goo remains in orbit of planet "C".

- Chip 2 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "B" (Goo).
Therefore, Goo keeps satellite B3 under control and Chip 2 of OBM remains in orbit of planet "B".

- Chip 3 of player 8 (Os) has conquered satellite 1 of planet "J" (Rem).
Therefore, satellite J1 changes his color and now is under control of Os. Chip 8.3 remains in orbit of planet "J" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 1 of planet "H" (Os).

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 1 of planet "C" (OBM).

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, satellite C3 changes his color and now is under control of dav11. Chip 7.1 remains in orbit of planet "C" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 2 of player 6 (Sayan) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "D" (tese1969).
Therefore, satellite D3 changes his color and now is under control of Sayan. Chip 6.2 remains in orbit of planet "D" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "E" (happygrue).
Therefore, happygrue keeps satellite E2 under control and Chip 2 of tese1969 remains in orbit of planet "E".

- Chip 1 of player 10 (Rem) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "H" (Os).
Therefore, Os keeps satellite H3 under control and Chip 1 of Rem remains in orbit of planet "H".

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) attacks planet "C" (OBM).

- Chip 3 of player 6 (Sayan) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "J" (Rem).
Therefore, satellite J3 changes his color and now is under control of Sayan. Chip 6.3 remains in orbit of planet "J" (in this calendar week, this Chip can take action)

- Chip 3 of player 6 (Sayan) attacks planet "J" (Rem).

- Chip 2 of player 6 (Sayan) attacks planet "D" (tese1969).

- Chip 3 of player 10 (Rem) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, Sayan keeps satellite F3 under control and Chip 3 of Rem remains in orbit of planet "F".

- Chip 3 of player 3 (OBM) attacks satellite 3 of planet "C" (dav11).

- Chip 2 of player 3 (OBM) attacks satellite 3 of planet "B" (Goo).

- Chip 1 of player 1 (Waldo) attacks satellite 1 of planet "B" (Goo).

- Chip 2 of player 1 (Waldo) attacks satellite 2 of planet "C" (OBM).

- Chip 3 of player 1 (Waldo) attacks satellite 3 of planet "H" (Os).

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, Sayan keeps satellite F1 under control and Chip 1 of happygrue loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "F".

- Chip 1 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, Waldo keeps satellite A2 under control and Chip 1 of OBM remains in orbit of planet "A".

- Chip 1 of player 3 (OBM) attacks satellite 2 of planet "A" (Waldo).

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks satellite 3 of planet "F" (Sayan).

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) moves to orbit of planet "D".

- Chip 3 of player 4 (tese1969) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, Sayan keeps satellite F2 under control and Chip 3 of tese1969 remains in orbit of planet "F".

- Chip 3 of player 4 (tese1969) attacks satellite 1 of planet "F" (Sayan).


- Chip 2 of player 9 (pulpojohn) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "E" (happygrue).
Therefore, happygrue keeps satellite E3 under control and Chip 2 of pulpojohn loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "E".

- Chip 3 of player 9 (pulpojohn) attacks satellite 1 of planet "J" (Os).

This is the current situation in Universe:

Universal War Beta_19 to 25 May.jpg
Universal War Beta_19 to 25 May.jpg [ 86.16 KiB | Viewed 59036 times ]

Author:  Sayan [ Sat May 24, 2014 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

i attacks now the planet D (TESE1969) and the planet J (REM).

Author:  tese1969 [ Mon May 26, 2014 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 26 May - 1 June:

- Chip 1 of player 9 (pulpojohn) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "G" (dav11).
Therefore, dav11 keeps satellite G2 under control and Chip 1 of pulpojohn loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "G".

- Chip 3 of player 5 (happygrue) has conquered planet "I" (pulpojohn).
Therefore, planet "I" changes his color and now is under control of happygrue. The Chip 5.3 remains in orbit of planet "I" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) attacks satellite 3 of planet "D" (Sayan).

- Chip 1 of player 10 (Rem) attacks satellite 2 of planet "H" (dav11).

- Chip 2 of player 10 (Rem) attacks satellite 1 of planet "I" (dav11).

- Chip 3 of player 5 (happygrue) moves to orbit of planet G.

- Chip 2 of player 5 (happygrue) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "D" (tese1969).
Therefore, tese1969 keeps satellite D2 under control and Chip 2 of happygrue remains in orbit of planet "D".


- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, Sayan keeps satellite F3 under control and Chip 1 of happygrue loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "F".

This is the current situation in Universe and the turn's table:

Turns Left Table.jpg
Turns Left Table.jpg [ 38.04 KiB | Viewed 58884 times ]
Universal War Beta_26 May to 1 June.jpg
Universal War Beta_26 May to 1 June.jpg [ 87.61 KiB | Viewed 58884 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 2 - 8 June:

- Chip 3 of player 8 (Os) attacks satellite 2 of planet "J" (pulpojohn).

- Chip 1 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "B" (Goo).
Therefore, satellite B1 keeps under control of Goo and Chip 1 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet B and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 9 (pulpojohn) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "J" (Os).
Therefore, satellite J1 keeps under control of Os and Chip 3 of pulpojohn remains in orbit of planet J and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) has conquered satellite 1 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, satellite C1 changes his color and now is under control of Goo.

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, planet C changes his color and now is under control of dav11.

- Chip 2 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "B" (Goo).
Therefore, satellite B3 keeps under control of Goo and Chip 2 of OBM remains in orbit of planet B and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "C" (dav11).
Therefore, satellite C3 keeps under control of dav11 and Chip 3 of OBM remains in orbit of planet C and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 1 of planet "C" (Goo).

- Chip 1 of player 10 (Rem) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "H" (dav11).
Therefore, satellite H2 keeps under control of dav11 and Chip 1 of Rem remains in orbit of planet H and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 2 of player 10 (Rem) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "I" (dav11).
Therefore, satellite I1 keeps under control of dav11 and Chip 2 of Rem remains in orbit of planet I and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 4 (tese1969) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, satellite F1 keeps under control of Sayan and Chip 3 of tese1969 remains in orbit of planet F and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 1 of player 3 (OBM) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, satellite A2 changes his color and now is under control of OBM.

- Chip 3 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "H" (Os).
Therefore, satellite H3 keeps under control of Os and Chip 3 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet H and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 2 of player 1 (Waldo) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, satellite C2 keeps under control of OBM and Chip 2 of Waldo remains in orbit of planet C and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) fails his attack over planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, planet A keeps under control of Waldo and Chip 1 of Goo remains in orbit of planet A and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 1 of player 8 (Os) attacks planet "A" (Waldo).
This attack was reserved previously.

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 2 of planet "C" (OBM).

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 3 of planet "A" (Os).

- Chip 3 of player 3 (OBM) attacks planet "C" (dav11).

- Chip 2 of player 3 (OBM) attacks satellite 1 of planet "B" (Goo).

- Chip 3 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks satellite 1 of planet "G" (dav11).

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) moves to orbit of planet J.

- Chip 2 of player 5 (happygrue) moves to orbit of planet F.

- New:

- Chip 1 of player 3 (OBM) reserves attack over planet A (Waldo/Os in battle).

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) fails his attack over satellite 3 of planet "D"(Sayan).
Therefore, satellite D3 keeps under control of Sayan and Chip 2 of tese1969 remains in orbit of planet D and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 4 (tese1969) moves to orbit of planet E.

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 1 of planet "H" (Os).
Therefore, satellite H1 changes his color and now is under control of dav11.

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) moves to orbit of planet J.

This is the current situation in Universe and the turn's table:

Turns Left Table.jpg
Turns Left Table.jpg [ 38.83 KiB | Viewed 58744 times ]
Universal War Beta_2 to 8 June.jpg
Universal War Beta_2 to 8 June.jpg [ 87.45 KiB | Viewed 58744 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 9 - 15 June:

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 3 of planet "J" (Sayan).

- Chip 3 of player 4 (tese1969) attacks satellite 3 of planet "E" (happygrue).

- Chip 3 of player 8 (Os) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "J" (pulpojohn).
Therefore, satellite J2 changes his color and now is under control of Os. The Chip 3 of Os remains in orbit of planet "J" and can take action in this calendar week.

Player pulpojohn is eliminated of the tournament. He has no satellite or planet under control and his Chips are not attacking.


- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "B" (tese1969).
Therefore, satellite B2 changes his color and now is under control of Goo. The Chip 2 of Goo remains in orbit of planet "B" and can take action in this calendar week.

This is the current situation in Universe and the turn's table:

Turns Left Table.jpg
Turns Left Table.jpg [ 36.29 KiB | Viewed 58558 times ]
Universal War Beta_9 to 15 June.jpg
Universal War Beta_9 to 15 June.jpg [ 83.92 KiB | Viewed 58558 times ]

Author:  tese1969 [ Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 16 - 22 June:

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "A" (Os).
Therefore, satellite A3 changes his color and now is under control of Goo. Chip 2.1 remains in orbit of planet "A" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks satellite 2 of planet "F" (Sayan).

- Chip 2 of player 10 (Rem) attacks satellite 1 of planet "I" (dav11).

- Chip 1 of player 10 (Rem) attacks satellite 1 of planet "J" (Os).
This Chip was moved from planet H in the previous calendar week (Rem write a message in russian forum on June, 15.

- Chip 3 of player 10 (Rem) attacks satellite 2 of planet "J" (Os).
This Chip was moved from planet F in the previous calendar week (Rem write a message in russian forum on June, 15.

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 3 of planet "A" (OBM).

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "C"(Goo).
Therefore, satellite C1 keeps under control of Goo and Chip 1 of dav11 remains in orbit of planet C and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "C" (OBM).
Therefore, satellite C2 changes his color and now is under control of Goo. Chip 2.3 remains in orbit of planet "C" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 2 of planet "C" (Goo).

- Chip 3 of player 2 (Goo) moves to orbit of planet "B".

- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) moves to orbit of planet "D".


- Chip 2 of player 3 (OBM) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "B"(Goo).
Therefore, satellite B1 keeps under control of Goo and Chip 2 of OBM remains in orbit of planet B and loses 1 move turn.

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) moves to orbit of planet "B".

This is the current situation in Universe and the turn's table:

Author:  Sayan [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

i can not continue unfortunalety any more the tournament due to the lack of time (I go on holiday soon for several months).
If a player is willing to replace me i leave him my place (pulpojohn?)
I am just going to finish my 4 current games.
I ask to the administrators of the tournament not to create any more parts for me.
Thank you for your understanding.
Bye and good luck to happygrue.

Author:  Goo [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

I propose to replace Sayan by Rambo 300 if he still wants to participate here.

Author:  Sayan [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

ok good idea.
Sorry not to continue.
bye bye Goo and good job for this tournament.

Author:  tese1969 [ Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Calendar Week 23 - 29 June:

- Chip 3 of player 6 (Sayan) has conquered planet "J" (Rem).
Therefore, planet "J" changes his color and now is under control of Sayan. Chip 6.3 remains in orbit of planet "J" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 4 (tese1969) attacks satellite 3 of planet "B" (Goo).

- Chip 3 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 3 of planet "J" (Sayan).
Therefore, satellite J3 changes his color and now is under control of dav11. Chip 7.3 remains in orbit of planet "J" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 3 of player 1 (Waldo) attacks satellite 3 of planet "H" (Os).

- Chip 1 of player 1 (Waldo) moves to orbit of planet "D".

- Chip 2 of player 1 (Waldo) moves to orbit of planet "A".

- Chip 2 of player 6 (Sayan) has conquered planet "D" (tese1969).
Therefore, planet "D" changes his color and now is under control of Sayan. Chip 6.2 remains in orbit of planet "D" and can take action in this calendar week.

Finally, Lord Johnny will be the player who will replace Sayan. He will start to make decisions with their Chips in the next calendar week. Sayan has in this moment only 1 defensive game against happygrue. The rest of players can to attack Lord Johnny/Sayan planets or satellites too in the next calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 2 (Goo) attacks satellite 2 of planet "D" (tese1969).

- Chip 2 of player 5 (happygrue) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "F" (Sayan).
Therefore, satellite F2 changes his color and now is under control of happygrue. Chip 5.2 remains in orbit of planet "F" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "I" (happygrue).
Therefore, satellite I2 changes his color and now is under control of dav11. Chip 7.2 remains in orbit of planet "I" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 10 (Rem) fails his attack over satellite 1 of planet "I" (dav11).
Therefore, dav11 keeps satellite I1 under control. Chip 10.2 loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "I" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 1 of player 5 (happygrue) attacks satellite 3 of planet "J" (dav11).

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) fails his attack over satellite 2 of planet "A" (OBM).
Therefore, OBM keeps satellite A2 under control. Chip 2.1 loses 1 move turn and remains in orbit of planet "A" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 1 of player 2 (Goo) moves to orbit of planet "H".

- Chip 1 of player 7 (dav11) has conquered satellite 2 of planet "C" (Goo).
Therefore, satellite C2 changes his color and now is under control of dav11. Chip 7.1 remains in orbit of planet "C" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 2 of player 7 (dav11) attacks satellite 3 of planet "I" (Rem).


- Chip 1 of player 8 (Os) fails his attack over planet "A" (Waldo).
Therefore, Waldo keeps planet "A" under control. Chip 8.1 loses 1 move turn. This Chip remains in orbit of planet "A" and can take action in this calendar week.

- Chip 1 of player 3 (OBM) attacks planet "A" (Waldo).
This attack was reserved previously.

This is the current situation in Universe and the turn's table:

Turns Left Table.jpg
Turns Left Table.jpg [ 39.29 KiB | Viewed 58166 times ]
Universal War Beta_23 to 29 June.jpg
Universal War Beta_23 to 29 June.jpg [ 83.33 KiB | Viewed 58166 times ]

Author:  Lord Johnny [ Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UNIVERSAL WAR BETA

Hello everyone and thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to play in this test.
Just to check if I got things right my moves for the next week will be:
- chip 6.1 will attack satellite 1 of planet E
- chip 6.2 will attack satellite 1 of planet D
- chip 6.3 will move into orbit of planet H

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